Batorowka Style Sabre
Batorowka Style Sabre

Batorowka Style Sabre

Sale price$876.00
Replica of a museum original is called a "Batorowka". It has an image of the Polish King Stefan Batory and the Latin words "Stephanus Batori - Rex - Polonia - AD - 1575" engraved on one side of the blade. Made out of steel and bronze. An excellent addition to your fireplace mantle. All handmade by skillful artists in Poland. Total length is 36.0". Metal parts require periodic polishing.


Replika muzealnego eksponatu. Szabla polska, tzw "batorowka" z portretem i imieniem krola Stefana Batorego. Istnialo mylne mniemanie, ze sa to szable, ktore byly wlasnoscia krol. Stafana podczas gdy glownie byly to szable pamiatkowe darowywane osobom szczegolnie zasluzonym dla panstwa.

This is a decorative item, not intended for sharpening or bending, however, it may become a dangerous weapon if used incorrectly. Keep away from children.