Chopin Year 2010 Volumes 1-2 with 3 CDs

Chopin Year 2010 Volumes 1-2 with 3 CDs

Sale price$74.00
SKU: BK2716

Chopin Year 2010 Volumes 1-2

Volume I: Impressions - Testimony - People
VolumeII: Partners - Distinctions - Activities
Text selected by Jan Maria Kłoczowski
Translated by Tomasz Zymer, Tristan Korecki

Limited Edition with limited quantities available!

Chopin 2010 Celebrations Office published the first album summarizing celebrations of the 200th anniversary of the Polish composer.The main goal of the publication is to give the floor to people who with their work and personal commitment contributed not only to the success of the Jubilee Year, but first of all to broaden our knowledge about Chopin and our sensitivity to his music.

The album starts with introduction by two architects of the Chopin Year: Bogdan Zdrojewski, Minister of Culture and National Heritage and Waldemar Dąbrowski, Chairman of the Chopin 2010 Celebrations Office. The first text characterises to a certain degree the content of the whole volume is the essay, it has been written by professor Irena Poniatowska; title: "Chopin in Various Cultures of the World" (pl. "Chopin w różnych kulturach świata".)

The main part of the album consist of interviews with Polish and foreign artists, scientists, composers, managers of culture, organizers of music festivals, diplomats, conducted mainly by well known journalists such as Dorota Szwarcman, Marcin Majchrowski, Beata Stylińska and Anna Skulska, and by employees of the Chopin 2010 Celebrations Office.

Interviews are completed with excerpts of texts commissioned especially for the needs of the album and the website. Among the authors summarizing the jubilee celebrations there are: Jacek Marczyński, Antoni Beksiak and Jan Topolski. The book offers short comments by outstanding people of the world of music (e.g. Dang Thai Son, Leszek Możdżer) and other domains of life (e.g. Jurek Owsiak, Norman Davis), together with laureates of the 16th International Fryderyk Chopin Piano Competition.

The publication focuses also a list of the most important Polish Chopin investments realized in recent years from the public funds. It consists of a list of monuments, busts and memory plaques unveiled in 2010, together with their photographs and location on the map of the world.

Moreover, the album has two CDs and one DVD with materials summarizing the Chopin Year in various fields of culture. The first consists of:
1.Documentary film titled "Chopin2010" directed by Rafał Wróblewski, summarizing the most important events and moments of the Jubilee Year.
2.Information about CD series published by the Fryderyk Chopin Institute in Warsaw.
3.Catalogue of Chopin books published during 2009-2010.
4.Information about educational tools.
5.List of films and multimedia materials dedicated to the composer.
6.Review of exhibitions opened to celebrate the Chopin Year.

The second CD contains the Calendar with over 4000 events in Poland and abroad registered by the very organizers on the website

The third CD contains excerpts of articles from the Polish and foreign press dedicated to Chopin and jubilee events, and a full edition of "Chopin Express", the formal newspaper of the 16th International Fryderyk Chopin Piano Competition.

Biuro Obchodów Chopin 2010 wydało pierwszy tom albumu podsumowującego obchody 200. rocznicy urodzin polskiego kompozytora.Podstawowym celem publikacji jest oddanie głosu ludziom, którzy swoją pracą i osobistym zaangażowaniem szczególnie przyczynili się nie tylko do sukcesu Roku Jubileuszowego, ale przede wszystkim do pogłębienia zarówno naszej wiedzy o Chopinie, jak i naszej wrażliwości na jego muzykę.

Publishing House: Biuro Obchdów Chopin 2010, Warszawa 2011
Printed in Poland
2 Hardcover books measuring approx: 9.5" x 10" x 1.5"
Volume I: 200 pages with color photographs & 2 CDs and 1 DVD
Volume II: 100 pages with color photographs
English Language Version

All books are shipped through the U.S. Postal Office using Media Mail service. Typically delivery times are between 1 and 2 weeks. Please be advised, certain destinations in the U.S. may take longer.