Kubus Fatalista i Jego Pan - Denis Diderot 6CD
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- Czytaja: Adam Ferency, Artur Zmijewski, Malgorzata Foremniak, Daria Trafankowska, Edyta Jungowska, Maria Seweryn
- Czas: okolo 6 godzin
- Format: 5.70" x 4.92" (14,5 x 12,5 cm), pudelko
- Rok wydania: 2006
- Wydawnictwo: RTW
- Wydanie na 6 CD
Kubus Fatlista i Jego Pan. Znana komedia D. Diderota, w formie sluchowiska w interpretacji plejady czolowych polskich aktorow.
In Polish Only!
- Jacques the Fatalist and His Master by Denis Diderot
- Read by: Adam Ferency, Artur Zmijewski, Malgorzata Foremniak, Daria Trafankowska, Edyta Jungowska, Maria Seweryn
- Duration: approximately 6 hours
- Format: 5.70" x 4.92" (14,5 x 12,5 cm)
- Release year: 2006
- Publisher: RTW
- On 6 CDs
Jacques the Fatalist and His Master is Diderot's answer to the problem of existence. If human beings are determined by their genes and their environment, how can they claim to be free to want or do anything? Where are Jacques and his Master going? Are they simply occupying space living mechanically until they die, believing erroneously that they are in charge of their Destiny? Diderot intervenes to cheat our expectations of what fiction should be and do, and behaves like a provocative, ironic and unfailingly entertaining master of revels who finally show why Fate is not to be equated with doom. Even after two centuries, this book is still considered to be fresh and experimental.