Nad Niemnem - Eliza Orzeszkowa 1CD MP3
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- Czas: 24 godziny 8 minut
- Wydawnictwo: MTJ
- Rok wydania: 2006
- Wydanie na 1 CD, MP3
Od lat urzekajaca powiesc o losach potomkow Jana i Cecylii, o probach przelamania barier spolecznych i przyczynach niepowodzen na tym polu. Lekcja patriotyzmu i sentymentalne wspomnienie minionej epoki.
In Polish Only!
- The River Niemen by Eliza Orzeszkowa
- Duration: 24 hours 8 minutes
- Publisher: MTJ
- Publication year: 2006
- On 1 CD, MP3
A love story across social boundaries. Jan (a peasant) and Cecily (a gentlewoman) fall in love, and are challenged by the people around them, who believe such a union is simply unacceptable.
MP3 Minimum System Requirements:
- CD, DVD player, or computer with MP3 playback capabilities.
- A computer is necessary for transfer to a portable MP3 device.