Pictorial Polish Dictionary Level A1, A2 - Universitas
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What is this? A Pictorial Dictionary of the Polish Language
Written by Anna Seretny
Illustrated by Andrzeja Piatkowskiego
Level A1, A2: Breakthrough/Waystage
This visual aid for the teaching of Polish as a foreign language is directed at both those who are just beginning as well as those who would like to expand their knowledge of the Polish language or remember words they have already learned. Basic concepts which comprise the basic corpus of the dictionary are defined via colorful reference tables or individual illustrations. Among about 2000 lexical units presented here, verbs constitute the largest group of words, then nouns, adjectives and pronouns. The lexical material of the dictionary has been arranged in 32 thematic areas, thanks to which words appear in their natural context.
To wizualna pomoc do nauczania jezyka polskiego jako obcego adresowana zarowno do tych, ktorzy nauke rozpoczynaja, jak i do tych, ktory chcieliby poszerzyc znajomosc polskiego slownictwa badz utrwalic juz poznane slowa. Pojecia podstawowe, ktore stanowia zasadniczy korpus slownika, zdefiniowane zostaly za pomoca kolorowych tablic albo pojedynczych obrazkow. Najliczniej z okolo 2000 jednostek leksykalnych zilustrowane zostaly rzeczowniki, nastepna grupe stanowia czasowniki, kolejna przymiotniki i zaimki. Material leksykalny slownika zostal przedstawiony w 32 polach tematycznych, dzieki temu slowa wystepuja w naturalnym dla nich kontekscie.
Publishing House: Universitas, Krakow 2006
Softcover book measuring 6.5" x 9.25"
254 pages, illustration, Polish to English Index
Polish textbook for English speakers
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