Romanse Kubusia Fatalisty - Denis Diderot 1CD

Romanse Kubusia Fatalisty - Denis Diderot 1CD

Sale price$27.00
  • Format: 5.70" x 4.92" (14,5 x 12,5 cm), etui plastikowe
  • Rok wydania: 2004
  • Wydawnictwo: RTW

Sluchowisko na plycie CD.
Denis Deiderot - Jacques le Fataliste et son maitre

Kto nie slyszal o slynnym Kubusiu!? Jego pocieszne historie, ktore opowiada swemu panu podczas niekonczacejsie podrozy, bawia i bawily juz miliony. Jego specyficzne, fatalistyczno-deterministyczne podejscie jest juz niemal przyslowiowe. W historie owe (opowiedziane nie bez pewnych perypetii) wplata on i zapoznaje nas ze swoja niecodzienna filozofia, niejednokrotnie nie szczedzac krytyki sobie wspolczesnemu swiatu.
Wystepuja: Malgorzata Foremniak, Artur Zmijewski, Adam Ferency, Krzysztof Wakulinski, Krzysztof Kolbasiuk, Edyta Jungowska, Maria Seweryn, Daria Trafankowska, Grazyna Barszczewska i inni.

In Polish Only!

  • Jacques the Fatalist by Denis Diderot
  • Format: 5.70" x 4.92" (14,5 x 12,5 cm)
  • Release year: 2004
  • Publisher: RTW

The main subject of the book is the relationship between the valet Jacques and his master (who is never named). The two are traveling to a destination the narrator leaves insistently vague, and to dispel the boredom of the trip Jacques is compelled by his master to recount the story of his loves. However, Jacques's story is continuously interrupted by other characters and various comic mishaps. Other characters in the book tell stories as well, and they, too, are continuously interrupted. There is even a "reader" character who periodically interrupts the narrator with questions, objections, and demands for more information or detail. The tales told are usually humorous, with romance or sex as their subject matter, and feature complex characters indulging in deception.