Swiadek Oskarzenia - Agatha Christie 1CD

Swiadek Oskarzenia - Agatha Christie 1CD

Sale price$27.00
  • Czas: okolo 42 minut
  • Format: 5.70" x 4.92" (14,5 x 12,5 cm), pudelko
  • Rok wydania: 2005
  • Wydawnictwo: RTW
  • Wydanie na 1 CD

Sluchowisko zrealizowane na podstawie powiesci Agathy Chrisitie z udzialem Mariana Opani, Andrzeja Ferenca, Joanny Sobieskiej i Krzystofa Gosztyly.

In Polish Only!

  • The Witness for the Prosecution by Agatha Christie
  • Duration: approximately 42 minutes
  • Format: 5.70" x 4.92" (14,5 x 12,5 cm)
  • Release year: 2005
  • Publisher: RTW
  • On 1 CD

Leonard Vole is arrested for the murder of Emily French, to whom he was both a friend, financial advisor, and principal heir. Things look bad for Leonard's defense when his wife is revealed as a witness for the prosecution.