Ten Czwarty - Agatha Christie 1CD

Ten Czwarty - Agatha Christie 1CD

Sale price$27.00
  • Czas: 44 minuty
  • Format: 5.70" x 4.92" (14,5 x 12,5 cm), pudelko
  • Rok wydania: 2004
  • Wydawnictwo: RTW

Sluchowisko w wysmienitej obsadzie aktorskiej, przygotowane na podstawie opowiadania o tym samym tytule.

In Polish Only!

  • The Fourth Man by Agatha Christie
  • Duration: 44 minutes
  • Format: 5.70" x 4.92" (14,5 x 12,5 cm)
  • Release year: 2004
  • Publisher: RTW

As a supernatural story, best appreciated in Christie's fantasy-dominated collection The Hound of Death. Three ever-so-superior professional men - minister, physician, and lawyer - begin discussing a famous multiple personality case during a night train journey. Even though they're missing a fourth point of view - that of the man in the street - they ignore the fourth man in their compartment...