VCD Religious Karaoke - Religijne Karaoke Vol.1
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Religijne Karaoke - Religious Karaoke
on Video CD, Volume 1
on Video CD, Volume 1
If you can read in Polish, then you can sing in Polish even if you don't know the song! Play this VCD on your DVD player or computer and watch the lyrics to the song pop up before your eyes. All you have to do is read them, in a singing nature. This is Polish Karaoke at it's finest. The lyrics are in Polish.
- Kiedy ranne wstają zorze
- Matka (Była cicha i piękna jak wiosna)
- Czarna Madonna
- Gwiazdo śliczna
- Po górach, dolinach
- Cześć Maryi
- Barka
- Chwalcie łąki umajone
- Jak szczęśliwa Polska cała
- Królowej Anielskiej śpiewajmy
- Apel Jasnogórski (Maryjo, Królowo Polski)
- Z dawna Polski Tyś Królową
- Zdrowaś Maryja
- Panience na dobranoc (Zapada zmrok)
Plays in most DVD players. Not designed for karaoke machine. To ensure playability, please consult your instruction manual for your DVD Player for VCD playback.