Dziwny Przypadek - Agata Christie 1CD
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- Czas: okolo 42 minut
- Format: 5.70" x 4.92" (14,5 x 12,5 cm), pudelko
- Rok wydania: 2005
- Wydawnictwo: RTW
Sluchowisko na plycie CD zrealizowane na podstawie powiesci Agathy Chrisitie z udzialem Andrzeja Ferenca, Krzysztofa Kolbasiuka, Joanny Sobieskiej i Krzystofa Gosztyly.
In Polish Only!
- The Strange Case by Agatha Christie
- Duration: approximately 42 minutes
- Format: 5.70" x 4.92" (14,5 x 12,5 cm)
- Release year: 2005
- Publisher: RTW
Sir Arthur has been content to allow his middle-aged stepmother and younger half-brother to go on living with him. A month before Sir Arthur's marriage, he's stricken with an extraordinary form of amnesia, and a distinguished psychologist is called in. His stepmother certainly has a motive to see that he has no heir other than her son, but how could she have arranged "this"?