Oj Maluski, maluski & More Gems of Polish Carols CD
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Sequel to Lulajze Jezuniu and Other Gems of Polish Carols (Item # PCCD101)
Traditional Polish Christmas Carols performed in Polish and in English.
Booklet of bilingual song lyrics included.
Oj Maluski, maluski and More Gems of Polish Carols01. Prolog - Prologue
02. Z narodzenia Pana - 'Tis a Joyful Morning
03. Ach, ubogi zlobie - Humblest of all Mangers
04. Medrcy swiata - Three Wise Men
05. Dzieciatko sie narodzilo - The Child Was Born Unto This World
06. Dzisiaj w Betlejem - In Bethlehem
07. A coz z ta Dziecina - Little Infant Jesus
08. Polnoc juz byla - At Very Midnight
09. A wczora z wieczora - On the Yesterday's Eve
10. Do szopy, hey, pasterze - Come, Shepherds to the Stable
11. W dzien Bozego Narodzenia - On the Joyful Christmas Morning
12. Oj, maluski, maluski - Oh, Sweet Little One, Little One
13. Dnia jednego o polnocy - Once Upon a Time at Midnight
14. W zlobie lezy - In a Manger
15. Hej, w dzien narodzenia - On the Christmas Morn
16. Epolog - Epilogue
Total running time: 58 minutes, 55 seconds.