Quo Vadis - Henryk Sienkiewicz 2CD MP3
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- Czas: 25 godzin 53 minuty
- Wydawnictwo: MTJ
- Rok wydania: 2006
- Wydanie na 2 CD, MP3
Pelen dramatyzmu obraz Rzymu za Nerona na tle konfliktu dwoch swiatow: pogansko-rzymskiego i chrzescijanskiego. Powiesc zaowocowala m.in. panorama pedzla Styki, kilkoma operami i oratoriami, a takze wersjami filmowymi, w tym najnowsza ekranizacja wybitnego polskiego tworcy -- Jerzego Kawalerowicza.
In Polish Only!
- Quo Vadis by Henryk Sienkiewicz
- Duration: 25 hours 53 minutes
- Publisher: MTJ
- Publication year: 2006
- On 2 CDs, MP3
The most widely translated book in history, as well as the best seller. Quo Vadis chronicles the beginnings of the Christian Church in Rome, when Emperor Nero decided he needed to get rid of all Christians, sending many of them to gruesome deaths in Rome's Colliseum.
Set in Rome, under the rule of Nero around AD 64, Quo Vadis is a story of love that develops between a young Christian woman, Ligia, and Marcus Vinicius, a Roman patrician.
MP3 Minimum System Requirements:
- CD, DVD player, or computer with MP3 playback capabilities.
- A computer is necessary for transfer to a portable MP3 device.