Under the Phrygian Star - Pod gwiazda frygijska DVD
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The second part of Kawalerowicz's Cellulose, and a completely self-contained film in its own right, Under the Phrygian Star picks up the story of Szczesny after he has become a full-time communist militant. The film offers a fascinating look at the political and social landscape of pre-war Poland, with the various intrigues and rivalries even between groups ostensibly on the same side of the political struggle. During this time Szczesny meets Madzia, with whom he soon falls in love. The developing relationship between them is set against the growing confrontation between the pre-war Polish government and the labor movement, culminating in massive street actions.
Dalsze losy Szczesnego, juz we Wloclawku. "Na akcje sklada sie kilka epizodow walk komunistow z rezimem sanacyjnym, m. in. uruchomienie tajnej drukarni, zdemaskowanie prowokatora (ktorego samowolnie zabija Szczesny) i wreszcie wielkie manifestacje uliczne zakonczone starciem strajkujacych robotnikow z atakujaca brygady policja. Drugi rownolegly watek stanowia dzieje milosci Szczesnego i dzialaczki partyjnej Madzi. Szczesny, ktoremy grozi aresztowanie, wyjezdza do Hiszpanii, by wziac udzial w wojnie domowej.
Cast: Jozef Nowak, Lucyna Winnicka, Halina Przybylska, Stanislaw Jasiukiewicz, Zbigniew Jozefowicz, Jerzy Szpunar, Stanislaw Milski, Zofia Perczynska, Jozef Glinski
Directed by Jerzy Kawalerowicz
1954, Black & White, 111 mins.
NTSC format - ready to use in the USA and Canada - no need for multisystem equipment.Polish Language Version with English Subtitles
Genre: Drama